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09 May 2019 @ 8:04pm

Lieutenant Commander T'urok Son of House Mok'Tor

Name T'urok Son of House Mok'Tor

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Klingon
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6'9"
Weight 195
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Hazel Brown
Physical Description Tall lean build, quite strong, complexion just slightly lighter than a normal Klingon. Has many battle scars and several from plasma burns and power conduits exploding


Spouse None
Children None
Father K'oth Son of House Mok'Tor
Mother Ming'tagh Daughter of House Kilrah
Brother(s) One brother, Ro'Lok 26 currently in KDF.

Sister(s) None
Other Family On Qu'noS in different military positions with grandfather sitting on the High Counsel, Mu'tagh Son of House Kilrah

Personality & Traits

General Overview T'urok is a warrior who still believes in honor and the old traditions. His House was attacked and he helped his father to defeat the House of Gor'kon for taking the life and honor of his mother. As a result, T'urok has developed an intolerance for anyone who would speak ill of his House. Try as he did, he could not forget the day all this happened. Taking his anger, he put it into his holodeck battle programs, he managed to temper his anger. It was only a temporary fix until anyone angered him again. T'urok took champion standing in the bat'leth competition on Sholna 6, also taking other weapon competitions there. He pursued his first interest of engineering working side by side with other engineers. He excelled in this field thus becoming a Chief Engineering Officer and has worked at it, trying to improve his job.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Loyal

-His loyalty can go to far at times getting him at odds with others.
-His honesty has a bad habit of making feel small when he tells te truth.
-There are times when his dependability can put him in sickbay. He tends to stay at his job all the time not getting the proper rest and nutrition.
-Dealing with his anger, he can get quite disrespectful at times should you try to argue him down to the point where he has become almost insubordinate
-There are times where being intelligent can make him become a know it all. It is a curse that he must acknowledge that he does not know everything.
Ambitions His ambition in his life is to be the best of the best in engineering. Nothing else makes that waiver.
Hobbies & Interests He enjoys practicing his hand to hand combat programs as well as climbing and Klingon Opera. He has tried to entertain the notion of riding horses but it just doesn't function correctly.

He is interested in ancient Klingon history and the engineering feats of the the well known engineers of the past. To eventually marry. Loves a good vintage bloodwine.

Personal History T'urok grew up on Qu'noS under the watchful eyes of his parents. There was several older boys in school that bullied him until he fought back one day and almost killed several of those bullies. Knowing that, K'oth sent him to the Klingon academy for guidance and the learning needed to eventually become what he is today. From working around humans, he learned much about their habits and how they work,so that was a big plus in his early days of being on Starfleet ships.

When T'urok reached the age to enter SF Academy, both his parents sent him with their blessings. The early days of the Academy were difficult as he was the only true Klingon around. Sure there were others but they were not as traditional he was. That was one thing he valued his success and and his honor. Once the other cadets began to accept him for who he was, it got easier and he grew quickly in his classes.

He graduated in the top 5% of his class and was assigned to the USS Algonquin, an upgraded Akira class ship.

Served on the Algonquin with distinction and rose through the ranks to Lt. Cmdr. as Chief Engineering Officer. She was his only ship in his career till her destruction in 2391.
Service Record USS Algonquin was only ship he served on in his career until her destruction. Currently awaiting for his assignment to the USS Powell as CEO.