Privacy Policy
Pegasus Fleet takes the privacy of its members seriously, and shall take steps in order to protect that privacy. Fleet members should be able to expect a certain measure of privacy, both of their personal data and communications. The Fleet will not tolerate illegal access or sharing of such information.
Private communications are to be accessible, modifiable, or shareable only be the sender and the recipient(s). Only the sender and recipient(s) are permitted to share these communications with others. Communications pertaining to Fleet business will be shared with the appropriate parties for the purpose of conducting said Fleet business, but must be treated as private communications for parties other than the Fleet, original sender, and original recipient(s). Accessing, modifying, or sharing communications without the permission of these parties, whatever the means, are grounds for immediate expulsion from the Fleet. This does not apply to public communications, such as posts, logs, news items, or Fleet announcements.
The access, modification, or sharing of personal data, including contact data such as emails and IP addresses, provided to the Fleet for administrative purposes of the Fleet and communications required for the operation of the Fleet, for reasons other than conducting Fleet business, is prohibited without permission of the person of whom the data belongs.
Members must be made aware of any and all personal data that is collected by Pegasus Fleet, and have the right to request removal of that personal data. See the Pegasus Fleet Data Management and Retention Policy for more information.
In compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA), Pegasus Fleet and its member sims do not accept players under the age of 13. Any player found to be under the age of 13 will be immediately removed without question.
For a player to apply for membership of a Pegasus Fleet sim, the player must provide their informed consent of their personal data to be used for the purpose of conducting Fleet business and providing Fleet related communication through the Fleet mailing list or sim manifest. The sign up terms must provide an acknowledgement that the user has read and agrees to your privacy policy and is agreeing to receive communications related to your sim and the Fleet. These terms should include a clause affirming that the user has the full right and authority to enter into this agreement based on their age, or allow a parent or legal guardian to enter into the agreement.
In the event of a data breach, Pegasus Fleet is required to notify members within 72 hours of the discovery of the data breach. This notification will be sent over the Fleet mailing list used for special announcements and monthly updates.