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10 Jan 2019 @ 2:42am

Captain Daytona Savage

Name Daytona Savage

Position Marine Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 52

Physical Appearance

Height 6 foot 8
Weight 113 kilos
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Daytona Savage is a big man extremely fit, with no excess fat on him. He is a quiet man, but can make himself known by a simple look. He very rarely yells, but is known to spend a large amount of time exercising. He has no scars, no tattoos. He always carries at least one blade and a mini crossbow, neither are visible.


Spouse Ilyce Savage
Children None
Father Alec Savage
Mother Leesa Savage
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None. His wife is a single child and hasn't spoke to her parents for eight years.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Daytona is a quiet man who doesn't need to yell. He can make himself heard with just a look. He isn't a real talker except when the need arises. He exercises in excess. He is always armed. He doesn't like energy weapons, and believes that people are too reliant on energy weapons. He is qualified as Marine Instructor, as is his wife.
Strengths & Weaknesses Weaknesses: Isn't a real talker. Dislikes energy weapons.

Strengths: Sniping with a crossbow, explosives. Emergency Medic.
Ambitions To get through to the powers to be that they are too reliant on energy weapons and need to adjust their combat reliance.
Hobbies & Interests Crossbows, blades, guns, non energy weapons, explosives, holosimulations, writing procedures. Diving, his wife Ilyce. Survival. Emergency Medic.

Personal History Daytona Savage left home at 16 already an expert in survival, and Emergency Responder having worked at the local mines when his father was killed in the mine. He worked at the mine since he was twelve gotten the job thanks to the miners, who had been teaching him survival since he was seven. When his father died they pushed him into something more than the mine. Joining the Marines, he started out as a sniper, moving to Squad Leader, then up to Instructor, and onto Marine XO, and then Marine CO. It was at this stage he met his wife who was also training as Marine Chief Instructor. They were married within three weeks of meeting. He and his wife transfer to assignment as a team.
Service Record Starfleet Marine Corps - Age 16.
USS Wyee Marine Detachment - Sniper - Age 20
USS Morisset Marine Detachment - Sniper - Age 23
USS Blackmore Marine Detachment - Explosives - Age 25
USS Yatteyah Marine Detachment - Marine Medic - Age 29
USS Penrith Marine Detachment - Squad leader - Age 34
Starfleet Marine Instructor Course - Age 37
Married Ilyce three weeks after meeting her.
USS Wyong Marine Detachment - Marine Instructor - Age 42
USS Bonnells Bay - Marine Detachment - Marine XO - Age 44
USS Emu Plains - Marine Detachment - Marine XO - Age 47
USS Wentworthville - Marine Detachment - Acting Marine CO - Age 52
Advised of reassignment but still waiting for information.