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Meeting the Captain

Posted on 09 May 2019 @ 8:05pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anton Markov & Lieutenant T'Lar Rochelle

Mission: From the Darkness
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Before Next Stage


T'Lar was a little confused as to why all of a sudden she was chosen to fly the Powell. Sure she was a fighter pilot and yes she had flown Akira class ships before but she thought Ensign M'Benga was the helm officer. It was somewhat of a shock when she learned that she was to fly the ship. What she did not know was she had been given the position as chief. "T'Lar Rochelle to Captain Markov, can I see you for a moment sir", she said into her combadge.

"Meet me in the officers mess," Anton replied over the comm. He was halfway there and hadn't eaten in a while and going by the grumbles from his stomach it was most definitely time for some grub.

"Understood sir, be there in a few minutes", T'Lar said, as sh hurried to the lift.

A few minutes later she entered the officer's mess and saw the captain eating. Walking up to him, "Captain, sir, sorry to interrupt but I don't understand why you want me to fly the Powell. I thought Ensign M'Benga was the helmsman", T'Lar asked softly.

"Take a seat Lieutenant. And Colonel if you please," Markov said as he set his cutlery down to talk. "Yes and no. The Ensign is to be your relief. We wanted someone with a bit more combat knowledge for the helm but Starfleet were not massively thrilled about letting a fighter pilot helm the ship. So we ah... told a little fib."

"Well sir I am flattered that you think that highly of me. I have flown Akira ships before I became a fighter pilot, but this is indeed a privilege and an honor. I will endeavour to do this ship proud", T'Lar said smiling.

"I'm glad to hear it. I have a feeling we will need a pilot with a little, shall we say, unorthodox piloting," he said with a small rather uncharacteristic head bob for a man of his size. "Tell me about your combat experience."

"Ever have a helms man turn a ship 360 degrees on her z-axis?", she asked. "Well I have and can do it in a heart beat. Flown through some of the worst dog fights between the big boys trying to kill each other. I have flown against, Romulan battle cruisers, Klingon Birds of prey and the big N'ev Gar cruisers, Breen fighters, and some of the worst Orion pirates. Keeping the ship intact and getting into position to launch fighters or recover them, is no small easy task. Yet I do flying my fighters. You have to anticipate and use some degree of strategy when flying in combat. Sometimes, in the heat of combat, you have to think like the captain and anticipate his patterns. I can simply cause...well I guess you know that already", T'Lar said smiling.

"Exactly. I want someone to take that skill from flying a fighter and apply it to the helm of this ship. If we get into a fight and, let's be honest the Klingons will shoot us eventually, I need creative but purposeful flying. I won't get that from a regular helm," he said glad he was right about this hunch. if it paid off it would give them a tactical advantage.

"Well you got that sir. I just hope you have seatbelts?, T'Lar said, smiling

"I prefer to let my physical mass do the anchoring, partially because most Captains are scrawnier than me and partially because it would ruin my image," he half joked. "Any modification you can think of off hand to make to help with manoeuvres?"

"Giving me control of the RCS, IDF fields, SIF fields, and keeping as many non essential personnel out of all corridors, would lessen the weight issues and keep people safe", T'Lar said. She knew from past experiences that turning an Akira on her z-axis 360° will create some balancing acts if not properly compensated for.

The Major nodded and took not of the list on his computer. "Very well. I'll make sure you have control over those from helm and if you want to make any adjustments you can see the Chief about making them. That's all I have. Anything you want to ask?"

"Yes, when this is all said and done join me for a drink and we can talk about flying or histories of past wars", T'Lar said smiling as she got up to leave.

"I'll bring the bottle," Anton said smiling as she left.


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