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Setting Up

Posted on 06 Jan 2019 @ 3:22am by Captain Daytona Savage & 2nd Lieutenant Ilyce Savage

Mission: From the Darkness
Location: Marine Chief Instructor's Office & Weapon's Lab
Timeline: Current

Marine Chief Instructor's Office & Weapon's Lab
Marine Centre

Daytona Savage approached the office to the right of his, able to see because of the non powered lights which were placed throughout the marine area. Leaning against the open door and watching his wife, her back to him as she set up her tanks of various sizes and settled her prized creatures into them, hearing claws on the floor, he caught the smallest two of her poodles, slipping the teacup Tiny into his top pocket, the toy Mischief under one arm, lifting the miniature known as Chaos up onto his shoulder and giving both of the standard poodles Explosive and Crossbow a scratch.

“The ship is supposed to have a total number of ninety six. You've got seventy two. No CI is on the roster.”

“I hear Starfleet started to acknowledge your Pacific Ocean qualifications.” He'd gotten the message direct. “Congratulations. You realise I'm going to have to up my count.”

“Somehow I doubt, Diving Medicine, Clearance Diving, Toxic & Infectious Substances, Epidemics, Pandamics, Contagious Diseases are going to be of use during this assignment, but then I wasn't thinking of enlisting when I got them. It was more to keep busy. Your marines wanted to know if they'll be able to upgrade their qualifications.” Ilyce didn't turn around.

“And you advised them to direct their requests to yours truly.”

“You are the Marine Commanding Officer, Captain.” She gently opened the transparent bag and tipped the irukjandi jelly fish into the water filled tank locking it closed once they were inside. Turning to face him she couldn't help but grin at him and her poodles. “I had to blow the armoury door, emergency gear was inside. I'm going to need some big boys to lift the door, since your little delicate one can't lift it alone.”

“I should have asked for an all female unit.” Daytona's face was blank.

“And drive me nuts?” Ilyce slipped her arms around his waist. “I'd have to make you appear female.”

“Threats.” He whispered in her ear. “PT roster?”
“On the newely acquired board, starting at 0430.” Ilyce answered. “Will you be joining us?” She gloved up and lowered the Dark bag into one of the largest tanks, and gently lowered the wiggling snakes into the tank.”

“I definitely won't be joining that lot.” Daytona stated.

“Be nice Captain, they form part of the frags you like so much.” Ilyce continued settling her babies.

“Where's the rest?” Daytona followed her pointed finger and entered her code, the sealed door opening, allowing him access. Tanks of various sizes were located against two walls. Refrigator and freezer units had been installed against the other wall, leaving the door he'd entered through. Work tables were located in the middle, metal trays containing various equipment were magnetised onto the work tables. Crates were located under the work tables, everything secured. Waiting till the door closed and entering her code, he leant againist the door and watched her hang her blades, crossbows and various arrows, darts and smaller tanks filled with what looked like dough. Dough he knew was anything but. Trunks filled with her various equipment were under the shelves, like the neighbouring linked room, everything was locked, latched, secured, bolted, latched, fastened and barred. Her padds containing the current instruction authorisations she was working on were pilled on a small table under her desk.

Four piles, which meant, one completed and ready to be sent to the various Academy's, one in progress and one she showed an interest in. But Daytona didn't ask, he knew she'd tell him when she was ready. A fourth pile, higher than the rest had to contain newly created holosimulations, some would be work related, some would be moral boosting holo stories, others would be non marine but ship based and then there was the survival collection, they were first on his list, and he'd be first to test them. He knew that. “You want to tell me what you've completed and are ready to dispatch?”

Ilyce sighed but handed him three padds. “We're a ghost ship I don't want to cause problems sending them off, I thought I'd wait until we were resupplied or docked somewhere to send them. But that's your decision as they have to go through you, so you might as well keep them.” Ilyce stated.

“Pararescue Specialist, Disaster Medicine, Podiatry, Toxic & Infectious Diseases.” Daytona blinked twice and gave a low whistle. “Some of these are at least three years old completed, how come you haven't dispatched them?” He sat on the corner of her desk.

“Because they're still checking and verifying what's come from Pacific Ocean.” Ilyce answered.

“You know at first opportunity I'm dispatching the four. Have you got others?”

“Completed? No. In progress yes Captain Savage.”

“Such as?”

“Borg stuff. But I'm in no hurry to complete them. You know I do them to keep my brain active."

Daytona nodded. “And the holosimulations?”

“Survival, Instructor's, Marine Exercises, and a collection of entertainment programs. Your copies are loaded on these.” Ilyce handed him a box with the holosimulations.

Daytona took them, and shook his head. “It's a wonder your head doesn't explode. You never stop.” He grinned. “And the answer is yes to the Starfleet Non Marine qualifications, as long as they're also doing Marine ones as well.”

“I'll stick up a list and send it to you to go to the Command and other department heads.” Ilyce stated.

"If you need to keep going stick to the holosimulations." He stated as he turned and headed towards his desk, poodles in tow.

"Understood Captain."

Captain Daytona Savage
Marine Commanding Officer

2nd Lieutenant Ilyce Savage
Marine Chief Instructor


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