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Cast Off Redux

Posted on 22 Dec 2018 @ 7:14am by Major Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Colonel Anton Markov & Lieutenant Commander T'urok Son of House Mok'Tor & Lieutenant JG Gavin Smith & Ensign Danni M'Benga
Edited on on 22 Dec 2018 @ 12:10pm

Mission: From the Darkness
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


With the remainder of the crew on board, the senior bridge crew were taking their stations. Nodding to the Major, Anton took his centre chair. "Helm we good to go?"

"Aye Sir. All systems green across the board. Manoeuvring thrusters are ready on your command," the Ensign replied hands buzzing over the consoles.

"Very good. Helm take us out and try not to break her before we get going," Anton instructed sitting back. With the Ensign confirming the command, he turned briefly to his XO. "Well then. Once more we go."

Just as the ship was about to switch to clear her beath a power spike rocked the ship causing the engines to automatically shut down. Alex was sitting to the right of the Captain when the power went out and came back on again as the operations team rerouted power and began to restore basic systems.

"Major the helm controls have gone dead," M'Benga said looking at her two Officers.

Tapping her comm badge, "Engineering report?" Somers demanded.

As the power fluctuated, T'urok nearly did a backflip, "What in the name of Kahless happened?", he bellowed. "This department was supposed to have the systems checked and double checked before we left. Why can't you....", being interrupted by the com from the captain, slapping his comm badge angrily?

"Go ahead captain and before you ask, heads are going to roll down here. Apparently, a few incompetent engineers did not follow my orders to double check the ship's systems before we were to leave. It seems that there is a problem with the primary power couplings. I am going to use the secondary ones until the primary are fixed...", he said, trying not to sound angry, even though he was seething about now.

"I need power restored to thrusters soon Commander. We are drifting and too close too to the base to engage main impulse drive," the Major said looking at the helm who nodded a confirmation whose console began to beep, a message from the base stating their sensors have detected power fluctuations and the Powell being adrift. The helmsman relayed the message and Anton growled, "Respond to the base exactly as I say. Oh shit. is that why our lights are all flashing. Thank you for letting us know. End message. Engineering. Update."

"P'taghs, all of you.....idiots not only can you not...Feklar!", he muttered, almost tossing the terrified boy from his seat. Re-routing the mains to the secondary circuitry mains, the auxiliary RCS lights blinked into life... "Bridge, Cmdr. T'urok here, you have auxiliary RCS now, mains in the process of being repaired. Impulse will take 30 minutes to get them up. Warp.....maybe 2 hours at best. Sorry captain but this mess here fried circuits I didn't think were friable", he said, glaring at his people. Clearly, T'rouk was not impressed with the performance of his department. He knew he would have to drill them once they fixed the propulsion systems.

"Helm steady us up. Continue the previous course before bringing us into a standard orbit," Anton ordered his face marginally less annoyed than it had been a moment ago. "Ops take everything non-essential offline until engineering can get a look at it. This ship is not supposed to exist and we are sat crippled outside a station for the entire galaxy to watch us. Engineering you have one hour to get warp engines online."

Tosses his hands into the air, visibly frustrated, "Understood sir....some how you will have warp in one hour if I have to get out and push!", he said with a touch of annoyance in his voice. The anger had not eased much on his face as he rose to his full height. "I will not tolerate this departments lack of engineering skills. The Powell is right off the line and if for one minute you think I believe that ALL of you are incompetent engineers, you would not be here! However, since you are here, none the less, forget the rules and think outside the bloody box! There are times when out here we have to improvise even jury-rig things so we can do our jobs", finishing his lecture. "Move like you have a purpose. .....", he added.

Alex looked at the CO with a raised eyebrow oO should I be quiet or should I be my normal self Oo she thought to herself, then decided to dice with death, in typical Alex fashion. Over the comms "Just do your best Chief, bridge out" Alex was being the calm one at the moment. she looked at Markov as the ship begins to leave the Starbase "feel better for that angry rant Captain?" she asked "at least we are moving now" she added with a smile.

Casting a sideways glance with a raised eyebrow the Colonel replied, "If I had been ranting you would have known about it. As for moving, I think that's a little nice. limping might be more appropriate. We are a ghost ship that's stuck in the open."

*Looking directly at him* "My apologies Sir, my Cousin Captain Somers once mentioned, that she had seen you rant and from what I was told, that was not a rant" she paused, now she was just lightly teasing her Commander, to see if he had a sense of humour. "No that was throwing your teddy out of your cot, but it was not a rant" she finished openly smiling, indicating that she was teasing.

T'urok, crawling through the impulse engine manifolds, saw an ODN cable sitting on top of the secondary power coupling. oOBloody idiots can't do anything rightOo Taking the ODN cable off the top of the coupling, the distinct hum of impulse power being supplied to the dead engines made him actually made him smile for the first time in what seemed like an eternity.

Sliding out from the manifold housing area, he returned to his office only to read the latest report on the warp problem. Transferring it onto a PaDD, he nearly ran over several engineers just to get to the lift.

Stepping from the lift *looking at the XO first and then the Captain* he brought the bridge engineering station to life *turning half way around* "Captain sir... Impulse is finally online. However, the warp drive is another issue. *walking to the Captain and handed the PaDD to him* Those inept p'tagh's allowed the matter/anti-matter injectors to become blocked before we left the station. It is no wonder the warp engines didn't explode. It will take an hour to flush the injectors before we can go to warp", he did. *now looking at the XO* oO I hope Oo

"Well if we aren't going to blow up any time soon. Helm there is a moon orbiting the planet. Take us into a low orbit and lets run her dark," The CO instructed. "This will be good practice for our mission. Plot a course and keep it handy to the Klingon border. As soon as warp engines are back and ready the duty officer has my permission to give the go ahead warp 6." He looking to his new engineer. "Not quite the finest ship in the fleet. With the extensive rebuild she has gone under to get her operational again I doubt if this is the only issue we have."

Not quite sure what just happened, a total unxpected ststatement instead of him barking, the CO took T'urok by surprise. He expected a chewing out which would have been fine by and theyhim, but to have the CO speak calmly was even more surprising. T'urok had herd about the CO's rants and to him it almost sounded like himself. *looking down and then back to the CO* "Yes sir that is exactly what I thought as well. If you will excuse me, I have to begin the diagnostics right away. I am issuing a level 1 across the boards. While we are orbiting thel moon, it will give me time to do this diagnostic and get the warp engines back on line. The diagnostic will be about 6 to 8 hours give or take. But I will push for 4 hours and all shifts on duty", he said trying not to look to annoyed by the work he just put on himself.

"Very well. I doubt we will be detected here so that should give you the time you need. When the diagnostic is complete I want a quick walkthrough the main issues it brings up so we know what to expect," Anton instructed. "Oh and once we are underway again I will brief the senior staff."

"Understood captain...I will have it ready for you and the walkthrough as well", T'rouk said, again wanting to break station engineers at their ineptness in ships engineering. oONever trusted station engineers and never willOo went through his mind.

Standing the Powells CO spoke once more before heading to his ready room. "We have work to do people. Lets get it done. XO You have the bridge."

Alex looked at Markov "yes sir" then she thought to herself 'he did not respond to my comment, Cous you did not say he had a knack for doing that!' She shrugged and faced front "okay lets take the trip slow until the engine issues are sorted" she said as the ship departed the station.



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