USS Powell - NCC 66934
A phoenix rises from the ashes. Something new from something old. So too the USS Powell rises from the ashes. Officially listing as 'Destroyed in Action' following a battle with Klingon Pirates along the neutral zone which saw her abandoned during the fight. Last seen on what was all involved thought to be a decaying orbit she was believed destroyed. Two years later, in 2390 she was discovered floating through space, having been slingshot around the star. Given the controversy around her demise all records of her recovery were scrubbed and the ship became a ghost.

Latest Mission Posts
» Now you see us. Now you don't.
Mission: From the Darkness
Posted on 14 May 2019 @ 2:45am by Major Patrick Smith 'Nine' & Ensign Temperance Zachary
As both Temperance and Patrick entered the cockpit it was pretty clear to anyone familiar with starfleet design, that this ship had been made a lot more comfortable. The pilot and co pilot chairs were large and comfortable but still very functional. They even had cup holders, oh and a…
» Through the Looking Glass
Mission: From the Darkness
Posted on 09 May 2019 @ 8:05pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anton Markov & Major Patrick Smith 'Nine' & Ensign Temperance Zachary
Temperance walked out of the bedroom, pausing to cast a glance over her own reflection in the mirror.
"You don't look like Starfleet."
The words Lieutenant Colonel Markov had spoken were still clear in her mind.
Well, she definitely didn't look like a starfleet officer right now, and even though…
» Meeting the Captain
Mission: From the Darkness
Posted on 09 May 2019 @ 8:05pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anton Markov & Lieutenant T'Lar Rochelle
T'Lar was a little confused as to why all of a sudden she was chosen to fly the Powell. Sure she was a fighter pilot and yes she had flown Akira class ships before but she thought Ensign M'Benga was the helm officer. It was somewhat of a shock…
» Next Stage
Mission: From the Darkness
Posted on 09 May 2019 @ 8:04pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anton Markov & Lieutenant Commander T'urok Son of House Mok'Tor & Major Alexandria Somers & Ensign Temperance Zachary
After the meeting broke up and all left for their tasks, Alex went to her office which was part of her quarters and contacted her father on a secure channel. It was early morning on earth, as was evident by her father's ruffled hair and visage.
"Hi Papa, oh sorry…
» Medical time with the XO
Mission: From the Darkness
Posted on 06 May 2019 @ 6:32pm by Major Alexandria Somers & Ensign Temperance Zachary
Sickbay had been quiet, surprisingly so, which prompted Temperance to find something else to do. There seemed to be a startling lack of crew members that were coming for routine medicals, something that she found to be unusual, so she made it a point to start calling people in,…
Latest Personal Logs
» Trials
Posted on 17 Feb 2019 @ 11:31pm by Major Alexandria Somers
"Commanders Personal Log Major Alexandria Somers
After only a short time into our classified mission, things have seen to run as normal, which from observational experience is unusual for a ship that has only recently been returned to active service. Being the first Officer to Colonel Markov is an interesting…
» Personal Log - Ghost - 0001
Posted on 06 Jan 2019 @ 3:18am by 2nd Lieutenant Ilyce Savage
PL - Ghost - 0001
Ilyce swung out onto the marine deck, and headed towards her office. Closing the door behind her, she dropped her pack, bandanna, glasses, and outer layers, the two largest, two white poodles immediately coming around and settling facing the closed door, waiting for anyone to…
» Aftermath a New Start (5)
Posted on 14 Nov 2018 @ 10:53pm by Major Alexandria Somers
Stardate: 237011.21
Ten days later the team arrives back on earth and gets debriefed and given shore leave and new assignments, all except for Alex who was ordered to attend therapy sessions for as long as the Counsellor deemed that she needed it.
- Somers Residence 5 days later…
» Rememberence of the Fallen
Posted on 11 Nov 2018 @ 4:57pm by Major Alexandria Somers
Stardate: 239211.11
Even though it was a new posting Alex did what she did every year on the 11th November, as that was the day she buried her best friend Annabel Graves after a Black Ops Mission went south. As the ship was quiet and still in space dock…
» On Mission (4)
Posted on 10 Nov 2018 @ 9:37pm by Major Alexandria Somers
Stardate: 237011.12
Both women kept watching while the tech worked and this is where things went south when the base alarms went off signalling that the dead guards had been discovered. A large group of Romulan guards headed their way and the first group went down quickly, but the…